
We all in crypto can collaborate and help together

Anyone at any time can become homeless, there are many people in need already due to unemployment, mental health or even home abuse to name a few of the reasons. Now this is even worst with the Covid 19 crisis and many people losing their jobs.

Homeless is a non profit idea to simplify and track the payment of donations using crypto to a pool of homeless charities. Not owned by anyone, a DAO for everybody to help and collaborate

Simple start

The fastest the better

What charities?

We all choose the charities, spread the donations across countries

It doesn't matter how big or small the donation is, everybody needs help across the world.

The idea of Homeless is to chose different charities, one charity nominated by each donor, allowing us to start with the most reputable charities across the world and donate evenly and globally.

As the DAO grows, global solutions can be funded and shared across different organizations, might this be research on mental health, adaptation, housing, etc.

Help, own and collaborate

Everyone and anyone can help

From feedback, an idea, development, a donation or any role you want to take. Everyone has an expertise or something to contribute

Some future thoughts

What are yours?

Simplification of donations, transparency, maximization of ROI, fees reductions, reduction of charity duplication.

Automation of stock and purchases for Food banks / charities

Charities and foodbanks need a constant supply of food, blankets, etc. The DAO could automate the purchases based on the contract balance and stock needs for each food bank.

Simplify tracking expenditure of charities

Simplification of expenditure of charities will allow them to be more transparent, the more transparent, the more funds will receive. The DAO could keep a record of charities transactions and / or receipts for auditing and transparency.

Earn Homeless Tokens

Each donation or collaboration will be matched their contribution to a homeless token, everybody should be proud of their donation and be able to show their balance, either a company donating 1 million dollars, a person donating 20 dollars or anybody contributing their time and resources to help. If any holder of Homeless token is ever in need, he should be able to redeem them. Pay it forward.

Donor registry

In the future a donor could have their own ENS domain microsoft.donor.homeless.eth or joeblogss.collaborator.homeless.eth, to proudly show their contributions to a registry, they could also receive badges linked to their token balance.

Conversion to and from Fiat

Conversion to and from Fiat can be costly, especially for countries that are not supported by major crypto-exchanges, how can we solve this? Donors might want to donate using their credit card, and charities will want to make payments or get paid into their bank accounts.

Charities could make payments in stable tokens

If charities can make payments to their suppliers, staff, etc using stable tokens they won't need to be faced with high conversion fees

Maximise donations ROI with DeFi automation

All tokens before releasing to charities, or for charities that do not decide to convert to Fiat should maximise their ROI using low risk DeFi yield solutions.

Automatic conversion to stable tokens

Anyone should be able to donate using any token, but the donation needs to be converted to a stable token due to risk of volatility. Integration to AMMs, ensuring the cheapest conversion rate

Privacy of donations

Donors might be concerned about revealing their other holdings, integration with privacy solutions will help increase the donations

Cross chain integration

How can anyone make a donation from any chain.

Insure the donations

All the donations regardless of where they are held (Gnosis safe or DeFi) need to be insured for potential "attacks"

Regulation and Taxes

How can we help any of the charities not to worry about any regulation